Disney released a sequel show to Wizards of Waverly place that starred Selena Gomez in 2007. The show covered a family of wizards that live in New York and the focus is on the three children.
With the sequel it tries to replicate the magic that the original had. Instead of expanding on the family wizards learning the ways of magic, it focuses on Justin (David Henrie) teaching a gifted delinquent wizard Billie (Janice LeAnn brown) and getting her acclimated to normal life.
As Wizards Beyond Waverly Place is the spinoff series.
The original thought of fans was that the focus would be on the children of the former children of the original series. Seeing the generation that was taught in the last show teaches the next which is somewhat what happens. Billie, who is one of the main characters, is not a part of the main Russo family. This takes away from the connections that the original show.
Disney has an obvious equation for these preteen shows where one of the characters messes something up and then has to figure out how to fix it. Beyond Waverly place uses this equation but it doesn’t reach the same feel as the original show.
The show has nine episodes on disney plus and is an easy watch. It is very family friendly and is entertaining for more than just kids. The show doesn’t have the exact nuance that the original brought. As it caters to a different generation the show misses on what the kids of the early 2000s enjoyed of the original.