LGBTQ community faces inner conflict

By Michael Santone, Associate Editor

Throughout the history of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning movement the fight for acceptance in society has been paramount in the conflict that has entrenched a community continuing to battle outsiders for its equal treatment.

From the impromptu and violent protests of the Stonewall Riot, at the Stonewall Inn in June 1969 New York City, to the emotional fight for marriage equality that unfolded on the steps of the U.S. Capitol building in June of 2015.

The decades of battles saturated in hardships of judgemental perceptions and bigotry, although not completely won, are celebrated as achievements during the month of June.

Gay Pride month symbolizes the commencement of events around the U.S which captures the sentiment of the progress made as defined by the social normalities and injustices that have occurred.

Members of the LGBTQ community come out in droves, with rainbow flags and extravagant costumes, to dance under the sun as a parades and after parties create an atmosphere of love and acceptance.

But underneath the colorful cascading lights and in between the glitter filled streets, some in the community, although preaching and celebrating acceptance, is simultaneously casting judgement and intolerance upon allies who march along side them.

This discrimination that’s growing from within seems to litter the LGBTQ community, taking it beyond the “No Fems, No Fats, No Asian” disclaimer that has become a mantra in gay clubs and dating apps.

It’s a rift, that exceeds romantic preference and permeates scenes from battles waged by the outsiders who ridicule.

It’s a rift that replaces romantic preference with excuses that are similar to the tactics waged by outsiders.

These discriminations found within the community are based more on superficial causes.

Causes that once united members of the LGBTQ community in response to substandard treatment, is now being mirrored by members of that same community using masculinity, body type and race.

Sure, excluding romantic options, or exercising personal preference doesn’t mean one is racist or fatphobic.

But the dismissal of an entire group of people is nothing more than a mechanism to conceal what is deemed less desirable.

constant advertisement of disinterest for the whole of a group is no more a

“preference” than it is a mechanism to conceal what is deemed less desirable.

For an LGBTQ community, that has been plagued by stigma since the proverbial closet door opened, the vulnerable reflection of being seen as “status quo” or accepting what mainstream society deems less desirable, is suicide for a group already on the fringes.

This hypocritical and disingenuous stance seems to only fade away once the time has come to chant unity and acceptance.

Especially under the guise of celebration and remembrance.

All while pretending as though what is preached as a unifying message during gay pride events in the month of June is practiced and utilized all year round.

During the birth of the LGBTQ movement, acceptance and love was internalized and the message was focused more toward educating those outside of the community.

Now, the message is for the new generation of those who turn a blind eye to issues within the community and only focus on defending the perception on the outside.

It is in this disregard for the history and the true meaning of what gay pride stands for that is muddling the core and structure of the LGBTQ community