Club localizes international action
Day honors women
[email protected] / The Advocate
A protester holds up a sign in the middle of a large crowd during the Women’s Day March from Madison Park near Lake Merritt to Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland, Calif. Jan. 21.
Mar 1, 2018
International Women’s Day will be celebrated in the Campus Center Plaza on March 8 from 2-5 p.m. to give students an opportunity to meet female leaders on campus and learn how to get involved in their community.
Political science department Chairperson Vanna Gonzalez will be one of the main contributors to the event, along with Community Organizing and Political Action (COPA) Club President Becca Hernandez.
“We want to create a space for women leaders to meet women on campus and inspire them,” Gonzalez said. “They can get advice and get a sense of wanting to be involved in careers that are available.”
East Bay Community Law Center Executive Director Tirien Steinbach will give a keynote speech in GE-225, discussing important topics including immigration.
There will also be a round table discussion in the Fireside Hall from 3-4 p.m. where students can ask questions and learn about the experiences of local women leaders in law, politics, public service and community organizing.
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Hernandez said, “The round table discussion is an intimate way of talking to them about their journey.”
The Women’s Day event will be centered around empowerment.
Gonzales said, “This will unify all local groups and press for progress. Women’s Day started out as a socialist movement in the 1800s and five years ago became an organization on March 8.”
A majority of the event’s contributors are women, from the flier design to the catering. However, men are also helping out in the event and are encouraged to join in the event’s festivities.
Hernandez said, “I feel strongly about inviting men to hear about the struggles happening primarily to women. It’s an open invitation to be involved and interact. It’s going to be a big event.”
A festival will take place in the plaza from 4-4:30 p.m., with food, music, prizes and scholarship opportunities. Students will also have an opportunity to talk with each woman community leader from the discussion.
Hernandez said holding events like this on campus bolsters the feelings of unity and inclusivity.