Pool revamp scheduled
Deck repairs ro transpire over 18-month period
Cracks in the swimming Pool surface will force a $2.5 million restoration effort as Hayward Fault activity and general wear have caused the area to fall out of ADA compliance and be considered a safety hazard for potential swimmers.
Mar 20, 2018
The renovation and refurbishing of the college Pool’s eroding deck and cantilevered deck will require more time and more money.
The Pool continues to be a staple at the college. There was no talk of closing the Pool and clearly a pool that is not in the best of condition, is better than no pool at all.
The large deck around the main Pool has cracks and chipping. The cantilevered deck is also in need of repair.
Building and Grounds Manager Bruce King said it will cost between $2.5 and $3 million to bring the pool up to par.
He said that the project would begin about 18 months from now; about midway through 2019.
The Pool is in use for 11 months of the year, and the only time it is closed is for the winter break.
It was reported that if only the cantilevered deck was resurfaced it would take a week or two. If the whole deck was to be resurface it would take longer.
The college just came out of a six-week winter break, which lasted from mid-December until the third week of January. As of now, the window of opportunity for working on the pool has passed for this year.
King said, “You may want to contact the district’s Project Manager P.J. Roach for some of the more intricate details of what is going on.”
Instructional assistant Sam Smith said, “It is important for people to learn how to swim and I appreciate being here at the college, because of its strong commitment to its aquatic programs.
“It hurt me to hear that Los Medanos College in Pittsburg closed its pool.”
“This pool gets a lot of use not only by college students, but also by the city of San Pablo’s Park and Recreation Department, as well as the city of Richmond’s Park and Recreation Department,” Smith said.
CCC houses the only pool publicly accessible to families who live in San Pablo neighborhoods.
If not for the pool at CCC, residents would have to travel to the Richmond Plunge, the YMCA on Richmond Parkway or in worst-case-scenarios, the pool at the Hercules Swim Center or the El Cerrito Swim Center.
The Pool at CCC has been a summertime staple for community children spanning generations.
“The general public has always been welcome and encouraged to use our facilities for any summer aquatic programs,” Smith said. “An individual can sign up for a block of 10 classes in the summer at $4 a class, or for $40 one could swim for two weeks.”
Physical education professor Jim Ulversoy said, “Due to the close proximity of the Hayward Fault, underground piping and movement by the Pool, there has been a lot of chipping and cracking of the cement, and thus the need for repairs.
“Also we will need to come into ADA compliance and upgrade our energy performance, which will add to the cost and time of the project.
“Pools are very expensive to operate, but it is our aim to keep a standard of excellence for this community (West County).”
Smith said, “I appreciate everything everyone is doing, because this Pool has always been so vitally important for so long, in so many ways, to so many people.”
Ulversoy said, “I have expressed my thoughts and opinions in meetings, but in the end the final decisions are made at the district level.”