Selective outrage coloring America’s future

Historical truths evident in today’s political structure

By Rodney Woodson, Associate Editor

There is no one woman or man to have ever made the decision to be born a certain gender, into a certain culture or as a specific race — so why is race held in such high regard in U.S. society?

Being born a certain race is no different than being born with a butt or a nose — it just comes with the territory. No race or skin color comes with magical powers, heightened intelligence or super strength. Being born white is just as lackluster and regular as being born black because a person has to be born something — it’s inevitable.

A person’s character has nothing to do with race; a person’s personality has nothing to do with race and neither do a person’s morals or respectability. And if these are parameters for which humans judge the trustworthy, than why is race a factor for these aspects in our society?

When Africans were taken from their homeland and brought to what is now the U.S. as slaves, the rest of the white population was told not to trust them. They were told that Africans were savages, not even considered completely human.

Slave-owners and U.S. forefathers made laws and altered society so that the slaves were seen and treated as less than people, not just by the slave drivers, but also by other people in the land, many of them having never met a black person.

The fact that the white people of the time behaved in a manner reflecting the racist instructions has led some people to believe that certain people may just be naturally racist — but that is preposterous.

Over time, “Manifest Destiny” and the growth of the land, fueled by slave labor, led to what came to be the 50 United States of America. While some people like to sweep racism under the rug like it’s a thing of the past, others think that somehow the U.S. will forget the history of racism in our country, and need to constantly remind us all that black people were once enslaved.

Both types of people are sadly continuing the stirring of the racial pot.

It must be eradicated, but it mustn’t be treated as the horrid bit of the nation’s archaic era because it is presently gripping the minds of millions across the globe. Does it need to be imprinted in the heads of every American of African descent that black people were once slaves? No, it’s in the history. It cannot be forgotten.

Are people born racist? Hell no. White and black babies don’t mean mug one another, or call each other names.

One might say, ‘Well, the babies don’t know any better,’ and those people are correct — they don’t. They haven’t yet been brainwashed by a cruel society or a pair of parents who’ve taught race to their children — yet.

After all, teaching someone about race is a form of racism. How do you teach about race and not mention society’s hang-ups and stereotypes associated with each one?

Some might say, ‘Well, as black people we can talk about African heritage,’ and yes you could, but that’s culture, not race. Race is simply a hereditary trait passed on through genealogy, once again, something not one has had control over.

It’s the inevitable, like being born with a thigh, or an eyeball.

In laymen’s terms, race is just human aesthetics, a mere difference that we all share, in a way making it not a difference at all.

Lately, Missouri has slowly been becoming Iraq, and while Obama thinks putting cameras on police will keep them from killing people, well, actually I don’t think he thinks that at all. I think that he thinks the cameras would make the public feel like the president is trying to combat the issue. But the issue isn’t visibility.

Rodney King was videotaped being beat by a handful of cops in the early 90s and here we are, 20-plus years later, watching police walk free after unlawfully killing people on camera.

Of the 4,813 people murdered by police or who died in situations involving the police between 2003 and 2009, the FBI states that 2,026 of those people were white, 1,529 were black and 909 were Hispanic, among other races. And 2003 through 2009 is the last time the data was available.

While all of these murders were reported, do we recall 2,931 national media frenzies for each of them? No, because there wasn’t. So what is it that makes a particular murder at the hands of the cops national news?

Why aren’t all murders national news? If someone’s murdered, someone’s murdered, right? Is there something that makes one murder more important than another? In this country, the only thing that makes murder national news is if a white person murders a black person.

In incidents involving the police, 2,026 white people died in seven years. That’s 289 per year. There are only 365 days in a year, so that’s almost one white person dead per day, yet, why isn’t CNN all over it when a white guy is gunned down by law enforcement?

Where are the overblown, repeated newscasts about the incredible rate that whites are being killed at the hands of the cops? There will never be any. In a society where race is paramount, racially motivated murders sound great on primetime newscasts, possibly?

Could thousands of years of caste systems and groundless theories of cultural supremacy have possibly led the people of Earth to ridicule crap that we are born with?

Race doesn’t matter to those who oppress us. It never did. It was a tool to keep certain people down while the rest of the nation prospered.

Racism is corporations buying fresh water in Africa, and, according to, making water five times more affordable in the U.S. than in parts of impoverished Colombia. True racism is all American continents predominantly speaking European languages.

Real racism really doesn’t exist. It’s been a tool to keep the masses, the only people who can change the world, at odds so that the capitalist structure of the world can continue to rape the land for resources and rape people’s wallets for necessities and taxes. If race were truly an issue, Obama wouldn’t be president.

But he is because the crookedness of this political and economic structure is free for anyone to be a part of — even you.