Larger electronic signage to update existing fixture

College to install ‘state of the art’ video screen onto obelisk near Comet Stadium, El Portal Drive

George Morin / The Advocate

A new electronic sign will be installed onto the obelisk at the corner of Mission Bell and El Portal drives to attract more prospective students to the college.

By Jason Sykes, Assistant Sports Editor

A new Contra Costa College electronic sign will be installed onto the obelisk located on the corner of Mission Bell and El Portal Drive to attract more students to the college.

The obelisk is a four-sided stone pillar that currently has a small electrical sign that displays school events and updates.

Business Services Supervisor Nick Dimitri said this will change when a new 7-foot by 9-foot full color, video capable,  Internet ready sign will replace the outdated electronic signage.

Technology Systems Manager James Eyestone said in the past there has been problems updating the sign because it would not receive the messages being sent.

When the server was updated, it still was using the same service connections that all of the electrical signs around campus were installed with initially.

When the server began to fail, it caused problems with updating the signs and the light bulbs to constantly burn out.

Business Services Mariles Magalong said the installment process is going to take some time, but it should be here before June 30. The delivery of the obelisk is not in the college’s control but they hope to have it delivered within the time frame they were told.

In order for these changes to happen, a large amount of money will be paid.

Dimitri said that the purchasing and installation would cost about $80,000.

CCC is able to afford the new installment and obelisk using the college’s operational funds.

Over a period of time the college built a budget that would allow it to save all of the money it has accumulated through miscellaneous revenue, Magalong said.

The new signage was purchased from Stewart Signs company and will be different from previously used on campus.

Everything will be in color and the electrical signs will no longer show red letters, Dimitri said.

It will be the first time the college has a sign that is in full color.

Eyestone said, “The first one is going to be a trial run to see if (we) like it.”

After the installation, there are plans to replace the electrical sign in front of the Knox Center.

Finding a place to hang the screen will take time and money.

Eyestone said, “CCC has been working on its imaging and marketing to improve enrollment.”

The installation of this new sign is a step toward trying to get people to not just drive past the college but to instead go and check out the campus.

Buildings and Grounds Manager Bruce King said CCC is getting a “state of the art sign.”

Taking on changes to attract attention to buildings will increase campus visits and improve enrollment, he said.