ASU opens election process
April 11, 2016
The ASU is holding elections throughout the month of April for all executive positions for the 2016-17 academic year.
The offices of ASU president, vice president, director of public relations, treasurer, secretary and parliamentarian at Contra Costa College are up for a vote. Applications to be an ASU senator are also being accepted.
Vice President of Club Affairs Safi Ward-Davis said the elections are planned to occur at the end of April. Elections are to be held in the area outside the Applied Arts Building. Locations and election procedures are currently subject to change.
Computers will be set up and students will vote for candidates for the different positions. In order to vote, students are required to input their student ID numbers.
Results will be automatically tabulated. These results will be made public the week after through social media, The Advocate and bulletin boards, Ward-Davis said.
Leading up to the election at the end of April, the ASU will be forming an election committee. The committee, headed by Treasurer Jun Chen, will finalize candidates and election procedures. Candidates should be finalized in the coming weeks.
After the committee is formed, candidates will submit applications and then meet with the committee. Candidates will be given two weeks in April to campaign around campus.
“For the campaign, the candidates will have about $50 in their account,” Ward-Davis said. Candidates will be prohibited from excess spending.
Candidates will have the chance to campaign using fliers, in-class presentations and general word-of-mouth tactics.
Ward-Davis said candidates will be barred from bashing their opponents.
Ryan Villareal is the current parliamentarian in the ASU and said he is interested in running again for the position.
He said options are open and may run for vice president, but he knows he would like to remain a member of the ASU.
Current ASU President Nakari Syon is planning on running for re-election. Syon entered office as ASU president during spring 2015. Syon said being president initially was a hard adjustment after being an ASU senator.
“I was excited and happy to be president. I had to learn things on my own and figure it all out,” Syon said.
Syon said he wants to achieve more for the campus in his possible second term that he wasn’t able to accomplish in his first. He said he wants to inspire the student body to be more active on campus and increase ASU membership.
Syon said potential candidates who may be running should be vocal and have a visible presence on the campus. He said they should show interest even from the early stages of their ASU tenure.
Those candidates who are currently serving on the ASU board will not serve their positions past June 30. On July 1 the election winners will begin their new terms.