Male perspective clouds reality of egalitarian life
March 21, 2018
Inside the society we live in we all have roles that we are expected to take on so that as a whole we can function in a somewhat orderly fashion.
However, when we live in a society that is built up by only one side of the population, how exactly are we supposed to aim for greatness and equality?
We cannot equally please both genders with only one half of the voices being heard.
How and why should men make the decisions about what a woman is capable of doing, what she should and should not do with her body or what rights she can and cannot have.
It would only be fair that if we talk about having true equality we make the powers truly equal.
Not seeing women in powerful positions affects both individuals and our society in diverse ways. It creates an ongoing cycle of progress regressing away from the ultimate goal of existing on equal platforms.
According to film producer for women’s media, Carol Jenkins, “97 percent of everything you know about yourself and about your country and your world comes from the male perspective.
It doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. It just means that in a democracy where you talk about equality and full participation, you’ve got half of the population, actually more than half of the population, not participating.”
If we do not influence and teach young boys and girls that people are capable of obtaining any political role no matter their gender, we will not see much change.
If we continuously talk about having equality, then we should start by teaching that both genders can be allowed into powerful positions.
Having mostly men in these important roles brainwashes all genders at a young age to think, either women are not allowed to or are not capable of obtaining high ranking positions.
Throughout American history, this has been the case.
Some young girls do not even consider aiming for elevated positions and if that is what is being drilled into our brains at a young age, we only move forward with these thoughts.
These myths are taken as truths and rather than rationalizing and thinking maybe it is not a bad thing to have a female president, or why can’t I become president, the status quo continues because there is a male agenda that exists in our society.
Stereotypes reinforce the ideas boys have of what is wrong for them to do and what is right for them to do.
As the former mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom said, “If people knew that Cuba, China, Iraq and Afghanistan have more women in government than the United States of America, that would get some people upset.”
When women want to make a change and have to figuratively battle men who are against gender equality in powerful positions, it is not a fair fight.
These men probably should not be in power in the first place, especially for a country that speaks that it seeks equality. It makes us seem like a country of hypocrites.
Women are important and do not deserve to be underrepresented.
Honestly, who better to know a woman’s point a view than an actual woman.